Wednesday, July 09, 2008


The general in charge of training the Iraqi security forces said they will be ready to take over as soon as April 2009 but no later than August 2009. Granpa McCain still doesn't get it.

U.S. General: Iraqi Forces to Be Fully Ready in '09

By Ann Scott Tyson and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, July 10, 2008; Page A11

Asked when Iraqi ground forces could handle security so U.S. troops would not have to, Lt. Gen. James Dubik told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the strength of Iraq's ground forces had grown significantly. "The ground forces will mostly be done by middle of next year; their divisions, brigades and battalions are on a good timeline," Dubik said in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee. "Could be as early as April. Could be as late as August," said Dubik, who until last week led the effort to train Iraqi forces.

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