Sunday, July 06, 2008


On FAUX News Sunday, Barnes provided us with a couple of more examples of wingnut delusion. First, he claimed that Iraq will become a "pro-America" state. Considering that the Iraqis don't want us there, this is a remarkable claim. Add in all the innocent civilians we've murdered, it becomes preposterous.

On Memeo I found that he made another whopper in giving advice to the McCain campiagn: pander to the bigots by attacking gays. This is from Matt at ThinkProgress:
BARNES: In particular, gays in the military for one. We know Barack Obama is for allowing gays in the military, and Bill Clinton tried to do, but backed off. This is not a popular issue. Gay marriage is another one. These are both issues that I think McCain’s going to have to use. You can’t ignore the right. If he does, he’ll lose.

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