Please keep in mind, by the way, that all of this is much ado about nothing. Murder is a crime. The federal and state bills were purely symbolic. Infanticide remains a grave offence in Illinois, despite Obama's efforts to defeat one piece of politically charged legislation.
Kennedy gives us a little more background:
I came across a blog entry written in August 2004 by Chicago Tribune reporter Eric Zorn, who clearly laid out the differences between the state and federal bills (scroll down to "Apple/Orange Report"). According to Zorn, the federal bill contained language that specified the law would do nothing to threaten a woman's right to obtain a legal abortion - language that was not included in the Illinois bill. (In other words, Amanda Carpenter's Human Events post was wrong.) Indeed, Obama said at the time that he would have voted in favour of the federal bill, but couldn't support the state bill because it appeared to be at odds with Roe v Wade.
This charge against Obama was apparently first levelled by freakshow Alan Keyes and if Keyes is behind it, you can be pretty sure other wingnut whores, like Bill Bennett, will repeat and elaborate on it.
Hannity even had another lying nurse, Jill Stannic, on his radio show today to lie about the "murders of babies" in Illinois, who related this story to the Maggot Jerome Corsi:
...this was a baby who was late term, induced labor, and the baby was going through an abortion and survived the abortion. Jill Stannic held the baby for — a nurse — for 45 minutes until it died.
Happened across your post. Probably someone else has sent you this. I haven't read it yet. htp://
The truth is out there for anyone willing to see it. These rpesent the facts. The truth will set you free.
Thanx a LOT for the links AND the correct spelling of Jill's last name!
Steve J.
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