Tuesday, August 05, 2008


It's not surprising that the military attracts authoritarian freakshows but it is a bit suprising that so many officers are completely loony tunes. My favorite is LTC "Buzz" Patterson (ret.) and through the LA Times, I found another screwball, Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry (ret.). He thinks that the yellow-cake at Tuwaitha is a WMD. THIS is the truth about it:
Iraq removes uranium left over from Saddam era
Mon Jul 7, 2008 3:32pm BST
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's government has removed 550 tonnes of natural uranium left over from Saddam Hussein's era and sold it to a Canadian company, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said.

The uranium, called yellowcake, had been stored in a compound at Tuwaitha, south of Baghdad, which was once the centre of Saddam's nuclear weapons programme.

The Tuwaitha nuclear complex was dismantled after the 1991 Gulf War. But tonnes of nuclear material remained there under the seal of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), until the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq when it was left unguarded and looted by Iraqi civilians.

Yellowcake is an impure mixture of uranium oxides obtained from processing uranium ore. It has to be enriched before it can be used in nuclear reactors or to make bombs.

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