Sunday, August 31, 2008


Just like most Fundies, Sarah Palin doesn't have a clue about the REAL role of religion in America. JLFinch at DKOs finds that she's even more clueless than your average Fundie about the Pledge of Allegiance:

Here is Palin's response to a candidate questionnaire for the Alaska 2006 gubernatorial race:

11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?
SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge was written in 1892 and no Founder was alive then. The words "under God" were added in 1954.

Her answers to other questions make it clear she's a diehard Fundie:

1. Complete the sentence by checking the applicable phrases (you can check more than one).
Abortion should be:
SP: I am pro-life. With the exception of a doctor’s determination that the mother’s life would end if the pregnancy continued. I believe that no matter what mistakes we make as a society, we cannot condone ending an innocent’s life.

3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?
SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

10. Do you support the Alaska Supreme Court’s ruling that spousal benefits for state employees should be given to same-sex couples? Why or why not?
SP: No, I believe spousal benefits are reserved for married citizens as defined in our constitution.

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