Wednesday, August 06, 2008


On MSNBC, Corsi was interviewed by Contessa Brewer and she pointed out one of the many factual errors in his book:
BREWER: You say it's a comprehensive look, and yet there are already online bloggers that are going through this book page by page and picking apart what they see as factual errors. Let me give you an example. You say in this book, "Interestingly, Obama did not dedicate Dreams from My Father to his mother or to his father, Barack Sr., or to his Indonesian stepfather," and Media Matters, the online organization, says in his book, he actually says on a -- on the last page of the introduction, "It is to my family, though, my mother, my grandparents, my siblings, stretched across oceans and continents that I owe the deepest gratitude and to whom I dedicated this book." So if they're going through, and they're finding all of these factual errors in your book, why should we give you the credibility?

CORSI: Let's discuss that one. If you'll read carefully what Media Matters said, they point out there is no dedication page even in the second edition.

BREWER: But it says right in the introduction that it's dedicated to his family.

CORSI: In the introduction that he wrote after, this was going with the second book. [NOTE: THIS IS ALSO A LIE] And the original book had no dedication page and this is not the typical way that you dedicate a book. So I'm making the distinction there is no dedication page in the book at all, never has been.

Just because there's no hat box, it doesn't mean there isn't a hat.

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