Saturday, August 02, 2008


On july 29, 2008, Investor's Business Daily falsely reported that the Global Poverty Act of 2007, sponsored by Sen. Barack Obama, "would force U.S. taxpayers to fork over 0.7% of our gross domestic product every year to fund a global war on poverty, spending well above the $16.3 billion in global poverty aid the U.S. already spends." Of course, the bill authorizes no such thing but Hannity repeated that lie on his radio show and now it has made it to an AOL news board:


09:45 PMAug 03 2008

Obama wants to send $850 billion a year OF YOUR INCOME to Africa via his bill for world poverty tax. SEE>

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting truth! Pefect title! It is amazing to me how quickly this misinformation has spread. First, the bill is not "Obama's" bill. It was introduced in the House by Adam Smith where it passed easily with 84 bi-partisan votes. It has also passed easily out of the foreign op committe on the Senate side. The purpose of the bill, in many ways is to clean up waste. Currently foreign aid programs are spread across 12 departments, 25 different agencies, and almost 60 government offices. The bill calls for organization and streamlining to get everyone on the same page and not working at cross purposes. Foreign Aid is in a large part meant to ease poverty and hunger (as well as security issues). This is why they use the term "UN Millenium Development Goals". It has nothing to do with the UN except that the UN proposed a good idea. A goal of ending extreme hunger. Why should we throw out the baby with the bath water. Finally, NO NEW TAXES. The bill spends hardly any money in governemnt terms. The Congressional Budget Office has marked it up as being less than one million which in goverment terms is a zero markup. The global poverty act is simply smart, reasonable and better thinking. The people that are smearing this bill are doing so with the most obvious lies which is why I can't understand how it is getting passed around. These folks need to look the bill up on Thomas before you start parrotting
some radical blogger that is simply making stuff up. Shame! Anyway, thanks for the post and I hope more people will respond to the crazies writing "wingnut rot" out there.