Saturday, August 23, 2008


More like this, please!
Biden Offers Testament To Obama's Character And Toughness
By Greg Sargent - August 23, 2008, 3:20PM
TPM Election Central

Biden, who has struggled at times with adversity, will offer frequent testament to Obama's character and toughness, and will use his populist cred to sharpen up the campaign's attacks on McCain over the economy.

"We share a common story, an American story," Biden said, recounting Obama's upbringing at the hands of a single mom and his self-driven rise to prominence.

Biden, who has a hardscrabble Pennsylvania bio and is well respected by labor leaders, also showed that he'd be taking a lead role in voicing sharper populist attacks on McCain that Obama might be willing to venture.

In so doing, he got off the best line of the day, a reference to McCain's multiple homes, noting that McCain might have a bit of trouble sitting down to consider the kitchen table problems faced by ordinary Americans.

"He'll have to figure out which of the seven kitchen tables to sit at," Biden quipped.

The NYT adds a little to Biden's "regular guy" image:
He was born in a working-class family in Scranton, Pa., a swing state where he remains well-known.


Anonymous said...

Nope. Can't support a guy who okayed the war, okayed its continuing funding and criticised Obama and others on the war issue.
And who champions Israel's goal of dividing Iraq three ways. I'm going Nader or Barr---real change
and hope Nader is given the opportunity in the debates to show the real differences. Obviously, however, America's economically/militarily depleted resources are going to force a substantial exit and hopefully from Afghanistan as well.

Steve J. said...


In this case, I'll support almost anyone who will get the neo-cons out of power.