Monday, September 15, 2008


That seems to be the newest whine from the McCain campaign but it is obviously FALSE.
Palin 'Unlikely' to Meet With Prosecutor
By Karl Vick
Posted at 10:42 PM ET Sept. 15, 2008
The Trail
Washington Post

ANCHORAGE -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is unlikely to meet with a special prosecutor looking into whether she or other state officials improperly pushed to punish a trooper, a spokesman for John McCain's presidential campaign announced Monday.

Since Palin was named as McCain's running mate Aug. 29, the campaign has dismissed the state legislature's investigation into her dismissal of the state's director of public safety, saying that Democrats are exploiting the probe for political gain.

McCain campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan said that Palin is "unlikely to cooperate" with the investigation, which he called "tainted."

Todd Palin and 12 other people were subpoenaed Friday by a joint committee, made up of three Republicans and two Democrats, after prosecutor Stephen Branchflower said that someone may have attempted to deny worker's compensation benefits to Wooten.

The decisive vote in the committee's 3 to 2 decision was cast by Charlie Huggins, a Republican senator from the Palins' home town of Wasilla. He explained his vote by saying, "I say let's just get the facts on the table, the sooner the better."

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