Sunday, September 07, 2008


I caught a bit of a re-broadcast of the Neil Boortz show today and a female caller raised a question about how many votes Biden and Palin had received. At the GOP Convention, Huckabee claimed that "said that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin outpolled her Democratic counterpart, Joseph Biden." The woman was watching MSNBC and Keith Olbermann debunked the Huckster's claim and she wanted Neil to tell if if Keith was correct or not.

Neil's only response was to claim that Keith was suffering from "dementia" and that statement implicitly meant that the Huckster was correct. In reality, Keith was correct:
Biden's Vote Total? Higher Than Palin's
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post

ST. PAUL -- Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee got a big laugh from the crowd at tonight's convention when he said that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin outpolled her Democratic counterpart, Joseph Biden. "She got more votes running for mayor of the town of Alaska than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States," Huckabee declared, sparking applause.

There's just one problem with Huckabee's statement: it's not true. Biden collected a total of 63,157 votes during the Democratic primaries and caucuses this year. By contrast, Wasilla boasts a population of 9,780. Running statewide, Biden still comes out on top. Palin got the backing of 114,697 Alaskans in her 2006 gubernatorial bid, compared to the 135,253 votes Biden got in his 2002 Senate race.

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