Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Just as he adnitted before, Hannity is just another megaphone for the McCain campaign and eh can be relied on to push any meme that the campaign wants to promote. Today on his radio show, he said that Obama favored comprehensive sex education for kindergartners and the clear implication was that the little ones would be given an adult-level course. Nothing could be further from the truth:
Out of bounds! McCain misstates Obama sex-ed record
By Margaret Talev McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A new 30-second TV ad attacks Barack Obama's record on education, saying that Obama backed legislation to teach "'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners." The announcer then says, "Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family."

But the legislation allowed local school boards to teach "age-appropriate" sex education, not comprehensive lessons to kindergartners, and it gave schools the ability to warn young children about inappropriate touching and sexual predators.

Republican Alan Keyes tried to use Obama's vote against him in the 2004 U.S. Senate race. At the time, Obama spoke about wanting to protect young children from abuse. He made clear then that he was not supporting teaching kindergartners about explicit details of sex.

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