Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Laura Ingraham, a noted radio War Whore, attended a pro-blastocyte conference organized by Phyllis Schafly, a longtime right-wing wacko. According to the Wall Street Journal, the McCain campaign asked the gasbags to attack the media and Auntie Laura obliged:

Then she launched into a diatribe against the New York Times, which ran a front-page story Tuesday about whether McCain’s staff had adequately vetted his running mate, given the surprise announcement that Palin’s unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

“The same elites who are launching a blistering assault” on Palin find her a “huge threat, right?” Ingraham said to wild applause. “Sarah Palin represents everything they hate.”

Yes, it's the same GOP whine we've been hearing for over 30 years now and I'm sure it goes over great with the GOP's base but for others, probably not so much. ABC New's Teddy Davis lets us know what WWI thinks we hate:

"Sarah Palin represents everything they hate," said radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham. "Life is the first. Big families. Hunting. Patriotism. Gun ownership. Beating back fat bloated bureaucracy. Holding government accountable. Fighting liberal corruption. Sarah Palin stands for all of these principles that if taken away from the Left, it's over for them. It's over."

Ingraham charged that the media would have celebrated Bristol Palin, the pregnant 17-year old daughter of the Alaska governor, if she had chosen to have an abortion. Palin announced on Monday that her daughter was keeping the baby and planning to marry the father.

"Look, the cause of life is the dividing line in our culture and it has been for some time now, for decades," said Ingraham. "Sarah Palin is a woman who dared to cross that line. And if Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, had been the daughter of a Democratic candidate for the presidency, or the vice presidency, and if that daughter had come to her mother, or come to us, the public, and had said, 'look, my choice is to abort the child,' then that daughter, and that political family, would, we all know, be hailed by the same elites who are launching a blistering assault on this woman and her family."

"The jig is up fellas," she added.

In this last part, I don't understand what WWI is referring to when she mentions "cross that line." Since when is choosing to have a child some sort of bold act in America? That happens every day and is simply unremarkable. On the other hand, I think admitting to having had an abortion, especially for someone in politics, is crossing the line into the free-fire zone of wingnut hatred. Can you imagine the uproar on the Right if Michelle Obama came out and said she once had an abortion?

WWI got a little more specific about WHO she was attacking, according to TNR's The Plank:
As Ingraham put it: "All these journalists are ... all for equal rights for women... for women succeeding in a men's profession. Oh really? Then why are you treating this woman like dirt? They're doing it for one issue: If Sarah Palin were pro-choice ... It would have been, 'Oh, McCain is a maverick once again.' But, of course, Sarah Palin is a huge threat."

Like dirt? Has Ingraham completely forgotten all the hatred she and her cohorts directed at Hillary Clinton?

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