Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I was right about Hannity again. On his radio show he did say that Obama didn't get a convention bounce in the polls. This time, he could point to some polls that backed him up but he didn't tell his audience about the two polls that contradicted his claim. Hannity also claimed that he couldn't remember Chelsea Clinton being attacked, apparently completing forgetting about Limbaugh and McCain.

I couldn't keep an accurate count but in the hour or so that I listened to him, Hannity used the word "choice" or one of its variants about 6 times to describe the pregnancies of both Sarah and Bristol Palin. I guess the wingnuts can count on their audience not getting that McCain, Palin and the GOP's Christian base want to outlaw reproductive choice for women.

I caught a few minutes of Huge Ego Hewitt and Mark "Foamer" Levin and now I think the wingnuts have settled on the agit-prop that liberals are attacking Palin's daughter.

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