Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The GOP has been harping on tax cuts for so many years, most people automatically assume that McCain will lower their taxes more than Obama will. This of course isn't true for about 95% of Americans but it's hard to fight the myth.

As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They're Undone
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 10, 2008; Page A01

A Washington Post-ABC News poll taken Sept. 5 to Sept. 7 found that 51 percent of voters think Obama would raise their taxes, even though his plan would actually cut taxes for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Obama has proposed eliminating income taxes on seniors making less than $50,000 a year, but 41 percent of those seniors say their income taxes would go up in an Obama administration.

What's almost as annoying is Weisman's own mistake, as pointed out by Matt Yglesias:
Here’s John McCain on August 20 talking to Laura Ingraham: “I still believe the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”

And here’s Jonathan Weisman of The Washington Post today proving that he’s evenhanded:
A McCain quote Obama has often used — that the economy is fundamentally sound — is months old. Since he said that, McCain has said almost daily that the economy is struggling.

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