Friday, October 24, 2008


Prominent and not so prominent Republicans have announced that they are supporting Obama over McCain and that has to be tearing the GOP apart:

Republican former Mass. governor endorses Obama
Oct 24 09:09 AM US/Eastern

SALEM, N.H. (AP) - Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, a Republican, endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president on Friday, citing the senator's steady leadership, good judgment and ability to unify Democrats, Republicans and independents.

"Sen. Obama is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate who will transform our politics and restore America's standing in the world," Weld said in a statement.

"We need a president who will lead based on our common values and Sen. Obama demonstrates an ability to unite and inspire. Throughout this campaign I've watched his steady leadership through trying times and I'm confident he is the best candidate to move our country forward," he said.

Weld joined other prominent Republicans endorsing Obama over GOP nominee John McCain in the campaign's final weeks, including former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson and Scott McClellan, former press secretary to President Bush.

The GOP still has the "Blastocysts Are Persons" crowd but they are almost parodying themselves and that will lessen their influence:

Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama
Oct 24 09:09 PM US/Eastern
AP Religion Writers

Terrorist strikes on four American cities. Russia rolling into Eastern Europe. Israel hit by a nuclear bomb. Gay marriage in every state. The end of the Boy Scouts. All are plausible scenarios if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president, according to a new addition to the campaign conversation called "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America," produced by the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family Action.

...among the strongest pieces this year is Focus on the Family Action's letter which has been posted on the group's Web site and making the e-mail rounds. Signed by "A Christian from 2012," it claims a series of events could logically happen based on the group's interpretation of Obama's record, Democratic Party positions, recent court rulings and other trends.

Among the claims:

—A 6-3 liberal majority Supreme Court that results in rulings like one making gay marriage the law of the land and another forcing the Boy Scouts to "hire homosexual scoutmasters and allow them to sleep in tents with young boys." (In the imagined scenario, The Boy Scouts choose to disband rather than obey).

—A series of domestic and international disasters based on Obama's "reluctance to send troops overseas." That includes terrorist attacks on U.S. soil that kill hundreds, Russia occupying the Baltic states and Eastern European countries including Poland and the Czech Republic, and al-Qaida overwhelming Iraq.

—Nationalized health care with long lines for surgery and no access to hospitals for people over 80.

Now, will anyone in the Press hold them accountable when Obama is elected and NONE of these things come to pass?


Anonymous said...

Why isn't the so-called religious
right giving more attention to todd
pallin's activities than Barack Obama's hypothetical post election
scenarios? Todd Pallin, I am told,
has advocated openly his hatred of
the USA and all that it stands for and has helped organize a group that promoted separating Alaska from
the other 49 states.Why hasn't this
been reported to the American people?This is as terrorfing as
another 9/11 attach.

Steve J. said...

The Fundies won't concentrate on Todd because they are political whores.