Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I've been thinking that Big Oil really has no incentive to "Drill, Baby, Drill" because the companies make MORE money when the price of oil is higher. In other words, the Free MArket Fairy will be unable to work its magic on Big Oil to help reduce oil prices or provide alternative sources of energy.

It seems that Palin agrees with me:
And one of the main obstacles was big oil itself that wanted a pipeline, a gas pipeline even, to be built only on their terms. ExxonMobil was one of the participants in that, and other companies also.

They should have been competing to invest in a new means of delivering their product to market. They should have been competing for the right to tap into the hungry markets flowing our resources into those hungry markets, and instead they wanted a higher and higher price than any fair competition would yield. So they wouldn’t build the line.

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