Tuesday, October 07, 2008


(That's from the old TV series Dragnet)

According to 2 insta-polls, Obama won tonight's debate:
CNN Poll: Obama won the night
Posted: October 7, 2008 2345 GMT
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) — A national poll of debate watchers suggests that Barack Obama won the second presidential debate.

Fifty-four percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey conducted after the debate ended said that Obama did the best job in the debate, with 30 percent saying John McCain performed better.

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Debate
October 7, 2008, 10:34 PM
Posted by Brian Montopoli

Forty percent of the 516 uncommitted voters surveyed identified Barack Obama as tonight's winner; 26 percent said John McCain won, while 34 percent saw the debate as a draw.

Keep this in mind when you hear very well paid whores like Fats Limbaugh claim that McCain won.

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