Monday, October 27, 2008


In an article in the National Law Journal, McCain sounds no better than the extremist Mark Levin. Here's one example of his wingnuttiness:
Terrorists are not the only threat to public safety. Lax enforcement policies, judges who legislate from the bench and lack of support for law enforcement personnel all continue to force our innocent citizens behind the barred windows of their homes and allow criminals to roam free.


None of these law enforcement efforts will succeed without a judiciary that understands its proper role and its proper mission. Senator Obama would appoint liberal activist judges and supply them with greater sentencing discretion. I will appoint judges who will strictly interpret our Constitution. Senator Obama's judges would coddle criminals. I will appoint judges who will hold criminals accountable.

I'm sure this appeals to the GOP's base but most people are sick of this BS. The "coddling" part has a whiff of racism and reminded me of Nixon and Agnew.

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