Wednesday, October 01, 2008


In an odd way, I really like John Hinderaker of PowerLine, not because he knows what he's talking about but because he is probably the best example of wingnut delusion. This doesn't top his previous post about Pres. Fredo but it's pretty funny nonetheless. (h/t Atrios)

On his NYT blog, Paul Krugman has a fond memory of pure Assrocketery:
[T]here is little reason to fear a catastrophic collapse in home prices.
Krugman will have to come up with something much better, I think, to cause many others to share his pessimism.

Here's a more complete quote from Assrocket's post:
Krugman thinks the fact that James Glassman doesn't buy the bubble theory is evidence in its favor, but if you read Glassman's article on the subject, you'll see that he actually makes some of the same points that Krugman does. But he argues, persuasively in my view, that there is little reason to fear a catastrophic collapse in home prices.

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