Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Kathleen Parker writes that Caribou Barbie is unqualified, gets lots of hate mail from wingnuts and wonders in the WaPo about the fate of our country when so many are so filled with intolerance:
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a traitor and an idiot. Also, my mother should have aborted me and left me in a dumpster, but since she didn't, I should "off" myself.

Those are a few nuggets randomly selected from thousands of e-mails written in response to my column suggesting that Sarah Palin is out of her league and should step down.

Who says public discourse hasn't deteriorated?

The fierce reaction to my column has been both bracing and enlightening. After 20 years of column writing, I'm familiar with angry mail. But the past few days have produced responses of a different order. Not just angry, but vicious and threatening.

Welcome to Wingnut World, Ms. Parker, and why did you help create and maintain it?

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