Tuesday, November 25, 2008


David Neiwert wrote some time ago that conservatives blame EVERYTHING on liberals and that has been proven correct many times. The latest instance is the claim by Grover Norquist that the decline in the stock markets is due to the fact that the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. Here's a graph that proves Grover is wrong again:

The internal horizontal vertical line on the left is roughly November 2006 and the line to the right of it is roughly November 2007. As you can see, all 3 major U.S. markets, the Dow Jones, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq, increased in the year after the Democrats won.

Grover said this on a CNBC show and the real question is why he's invited on any show that's not part of FAUX News.


Anonymous said...

vertical, not horizontal

Ralph Radon said...

Cuz CNBC also is still giving Jim "Always wrong but never in doubt" Cramer a job?

Steve J. said...

Thanx ANON!
