Sunday, November 23, 2008


The filthy rich who tried to hide income with UBS accounts are now starting to make deals with the IRS in order to avoid criminal charges. Let's hope something similar happens with the people behind the Big ShitPile.
UBS Clients Seek Amnesty on U.S. Taxes
By CARRICK MOLLENKAMP in Zurich and EVAN PEREZ in Washington, D.C.
NOVEMBER 24, 2008
Wall Street Journal

Wealthy clients of Swiss bank UBS AG are coming forward to make amends with tax authorities, a sign U.S. efforts to battle offshore tax evasion and dent Switzerland's bank secrecy are having the desired effect.

The clients' actions are a boon for the IRS, which lacks the staff to go after about 20,000 U.S. citizens who U.S. authorities say worked with UBS private bankers to avoid taxes.

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