Sunday, November 02, 2008


In a NYT story on Media Matters, Stu Rothenberg says:
“I don’t pay any attention to them,” said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of The Rothenberg Political Report, a Washington newsletter. “Whether it’s conservatives evaluating the media, or liberals evaluating the media, I just have no confidence in any of the ideological stuff.”

Digby thinks Stu is foolish and I do agree. I was also annoyed at the Times for calling MM "a highly partisan research organization." and I think that makes a false equivalency between MM and wacko outfits like NewsBusters and FAUX News. The point about MM is that it is partisan and truthful. The point about the latter two is that they are devoted to perpetuating and defending conservative lies.

In a related story, the Times also draws the same false equivalency between FAUX News and MSNBC:
On any given night, there are two distinctly, even extremely, different views of the presidential campaign offered on two of the three big cable news networks, Fox News Channel and MSNBC, a dual reality that is reflected on the Internet as well.

Whatever the failings of MSNBC, it is nonsense to equate it with the crap on FAUX.

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