Monday, November 24, 2008


The number of people who are selling blood plasma is skyrocketing.

In weak economy, plasma centers pulsate with donors seeking dollars
Donations that reap $20 to $45 may hit 16 million this year, up from 10 million in 2005, industry group says
By Robert Mitchum Tribune reporter
November 19, 2008

An industry group said total donations may hit 16 million this year, up from 10 million donations just three years earlier. At the Waukegan center, manager Rhonda Johnson said this fall was among the busiest seasons she's observed, with more first-time donors joining the twice-a-week regulars.

Each liter of plasma can be worth as much as $200 before the manufacturing process and as much as $500 after, analysts said. About two-thirds of a liter of plasma is taken on each visit, depending on the donor's weight.

Last year, U.S. plasma centers collected nearly 15 million liters, which pharmaceutical companies process into drugs that are used to treat diseases such as hemophilia, immunodeficiency syndromes, and burn and shock victims.

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