Thursday, November 20, 2008


Conservatives seem incapable of coming to grips with the Iraq War. Recently, the fools decided to make Nov. 22 "Victory in Iraq" Day, completely ignoring the fact that the only real winner was Iran.

In the "formerly erudite" NRO, Andrew McCarthy writes:
Yet, to be blunt, the Iraqis remain ingrates. That stubborn fact complicates everything.

Talk about blaming the victim!


Anonymous said...

Aj Strata today posting on Obama:

Obama talks big, but his endless efforts to surrender Iraq to al-Qaeda showed he was not really serious about destroying al-Qaeda. A few years back he tested the political winds and saw Iraq was unpopular so he went incoherent on national security in order to maximize his personal adoration. He cried for the end of a hopeless war. Then things turned around and now the nation sees Iraq as a victory.

Of course the latest national polls on Iraq

show a decided majority, about 2-1, of Americans believe it was a mistake to invade and although a slight majority sees improvement there, the same majority, far from seeing "victory," implicitly agrees with Petraeus that victory is at least beyond the short-term horizon,and wants a timetable for departure. Liars like Strata will never post the bitter truth about the failed war, not even when trillions spent on it help sap the economy to the worst levels since 1929.

Anonymous said...

More on "Lying AJ."

If one bothers to research his blog, one will find, until he abandoned detailed daily posting on events in Afghanistan and Pakistan to focus on the election (doubting an Obama victory until the day after the result)he was crowing about the Taliban being cornered in one Afghan province, along with escaping (from Iraq) AQ members, each poised for succumbing to the final US kill.

Don't bother mailing him authoritative report after report
showing the Taliban's strength is the greatest in Afghan since 2001,
with British military officials saying the war is virtually lost,
necessitating negotiation with Taliban which tactic even the increasingly unpopular Karzai floats.

They'll never see the light of day on his website.