Friday, November 14, 2008


(h/t Eric Boehlert at COUNTY FAIR)

Another print person has written that right-wing radio is detrimental to a healthy political discourse: Douglas Turner of the Buffalo News:
11/10/08 06:35 AM
Virulent talk radio may be a loser, too
Douglas Turner

As station ownership became more consolidated, talk radio became more virulent, if not violent, and one-sided.

With consolidation came irresponsibility.

The basic service that a broadcast licensee owes a community is truth. As the election neared, that commodity was in short supply.

Obama was compared to Hitler on the “Mark Levin Show.” Obama would open the United States to an “invasion” of Muslims, according to the “Gunny” Bob Newman show. On the Lee Rodgers show, critics of Obama were going to “be jailed or killed.” Host Neal Boortz wanted to know how many prayer rugs Obama owns.

Bill O’Reilly falsely claimed on the radio that Obama did not vote to condemn a ad that lampooned Gen. David Petraeus.

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