Monday, December 01, 2008


In an interview with Charlie Gibson of ABC, Bush claims not to know if there would've been an Iraq War IF the intelligence said Saddam didn't have WMD:

GIBSON: If the intelligence had been right, would there have been an Iraq war?

BUSH: Yes, because Saddam Hussein was unwilling to let the inspectors go in to determine whether or not the U.N. resolutions were being upheld. In other words, if he had had weapons of mass destruction, would there have been a war? Absolutely.

GIBSON: No, if you had known he didn't.

BUSH: Oh, I see what you're saying. You know, that's an interesting question. That is a do-over that I can't do. It's hard for me to speculate.

Back in December 2003, Bush has no doubts: there would've been a war even if there was no intelligence that indicated Saddam had WMD:
SAWYER: But stated as a hard fact, that there were weapons of mass destruction, as opposed to the possibility that he could move to acquire those weapons still --

BUSH: So what's the difference?

SAWYER: Well --

BUSH: The possibility that he could acquire weapons. If he were acquire weapons [sic], he would be the danger. That's the -- that's what I'm trying to explain to you.

A gathering threat, after 9/11, is a threat that needed to be dealt with.

And it was done after 12 long years of the world saying, "the man's a danger." And so, we got rid of him.

And there's no doubt the world is a safer, freer place as a result of Saddam being gone.


SAWYER: What would it take to convince you he didn't have weapons of mass destruction?

BUSH: Saddam Hussein was a threat. And the fact that he is gone means America is a safer country.

SAWYER: And if he doesn't have weapons of mass destruction --

BUSH: You can keep asking the question. I'm telling ya, I made the right decision for America.


Anonymous said...

Tacit admission of innate war criminality, Downing Street Memo is only icing on the cake.

If only Obama were Kucinich.

Steve J. said...

It's hard to see how we recover from this immoral war if all the leaders get off scot-free.