Tuesday, December 02, 2008


In an appearance on Hardball on Dec. 1st, Christopher Hitchens made a couple of interesting claims:
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS, "VANITY FAIR": Well, I think you have the left-right bit wrong. I mean, General Petraeus isn't a right-winger. He's the guy who's defending secular democracy in Iraq. And I think it's tolerably well known that he hoped very much for an extension for Gates.

HITCHENS: Is it left or right for Hillary Clinton to get her husband, after a huge Pakistani fundraiser-I'm speaking about something very important to us right now-a few years ago-huge Pakistani fund-raiser in New York, organized for her by Lanny Davis-she got him to change his plan to visit India and to build in a visit to Pakistan on the way, in return for a huge campaign donation. Everyone in Pakistan knows she's open for business.

How does Hitchens KNOW these two highlighted "facts"? Aside from his terrible 2004 op-ed in the WaPo, I think Petraeus has been keeping his political preferences to himself. BTW, isn't it illegal for a candidate to accept donations from foreigners?

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