Monday, December 01, 2008


Some time ago, Bill "Slots" Bennett said on his radio show that Likud politician Benjamin Netanyahu was one of his friends. Bennett is a neo-con and I suspect he likes Netanyahu ("Bibi") because he's a hawk. Josh Marshall has this description of "Bibi":
(It's ironic that Netanyahu, who's got a thin national security resume by Israeli standards, should be seen in that light since verbal and policy aggression are his only real calling cards. But that's another story ...) But Netanyahu is not only the voice of Israeli territorial maximalism, albeit in its current more limited form, he's also fundamentally unreliable person -- a charlatan.

The portions in BOLD also apply to Bennett, so it's no wonder they're friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, the pro-war Totten is even conceding, after he and Yon crowed victory so long, that 2009 will probably be "disconcerting." But stay the course, bankrupt America further- the Empire and protectorate of Israel must function accordingly regardless.