Friday, December 19, 2008


First, about the war on terror, Mark Helprin, senior fellow of the Claremont Institute, writes in the WSJ:
Though scattered terrorists allied with militarily insignificant states are not, as some conservatives assert, closely analogous to Nazi Germany, the accessibility of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons makes the destructive capacity of these antagonists unfortunately similar -- a fact, especially in regard to Iran, that is persistently whistled away by the Left.

An existential threat of such magnitude...

The former Soviet Union was the only existential threat America has faced and to resort again to the fear-mongering that the criminal Bush regime used so effectively is a disservice to America.

Second, also in the WSJ, about the Free Market, Richard Epstein of the Hoover Institution writes of the proposed card check labor law:
No government should be able to force a firm to hire labor at $50 per hour when the company is not willing to pay half that much.

This is also a preposterous claim.

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