Sunday, December 07, 2008


Despite that, he gets an op-ed piece in the NY Times about abortion in which he repeats the Fundie LIE that abortion is currently unrestricted. I've heard some of the radio gasbags also make this false claim and here I presume it is an "official" part of Fundie propaganda. Let's review what Roe v. Wade said about restrictions on abortion:
c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-165.

In Douhat's alternative world, it's Roe v. Wade that is absolutist, not the Fundies who want to prohibit ALL abortions:
But no such compromise is possible so long as Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey remain on the books. These decisions are monuments to pro-choice absolutism, and for pro-lifers to accept them means accepting that no serious legal restrictions on abortion will ever be possible — no matter what the polls say, and no matter how many hearts and minds pro-lifers change.

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