Sunday, December 14, 2008


Jules Crittenden invents some snark and Greyhawk thinks it's from Reuters. Here's what Jules wrote:
Reuters neglects to snark that:
Though the Iraq war is now looking like an astonishing success that will leave democracy and a pro-US government in a key formerly despotic and menacing Mideast nation, outraged blog chatter shows most progressives are beside themselves and feel betrayed by Obama’s rightward shift.

Greyhawk the Slow misinterprets this:
Elsewhere, Jules Crittenden (who refers to the author of that A.P. bit as "Bush-bashing distortionist Jennifer Loven") quotes Reuters' coverage of the impact of reality on the "reality-based" community:
Though the Iraq war is now looking like an astonishing success that will leave democracy and a pro-US government in a key formerly despotic and menacing Mideast nation, outraged blog chatter shows most progressives are beside themselves and feel betrayed by Obama’s rightward shift.

This reminds me of the idiot from American Power who also has a reading comprehension problem.

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