Wednesday, January 21, 2009


If Obama is a Marxist, as many wingnuts claim, then why did so many private jets show up for his inauguration? Have you ever gotten a ride in a poor person's jet?

Dulles Closes Runway to Handle Influx of Inaugural-Bound Jets

By John Hughes

Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- ... The four days of festivities also will bring so many private jets that airport authorities are closing a runway to park them.

The 9,400-foot runway at Washington Dulles International, one of three major airports serving the capital, closed at 5 p.m. yesterday to allow as many as 100 small planes to park there beginning today, said Tara Hamilton, a spokeswoman for the airport operator.

Hamilton’s Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is expecting 500 small jets to land at Dulles between yesterday and Jan. 21. That would set a record, topping the 300 the airport accommodated for President George W. Bush’s 2004 inaugural, Hamilton said.

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