Tuesday, January 13, 2009


(h/t Atrios)

David Kurtz at TPM finds that The Inspector General of the Dept. of Jutice found that Bradley Schlozman "considered political and ideological affiliations in hiring career attorneys and in other personnel actions affecting career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division. In doing so, he violated federal law - the Civil Service Reform Act.."

In addition, the IG found that The Schloz "made false statements about whether he considered political and ideological affiliations when he gave sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee and in his written responses to supplemental questions from the Committee."

Unfortunately, Bush's DOJ declined to prosecute:

We referred the findings from our investigation to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia in March 2008. We completed this written report of investigation in July 2008.

The U.S. Attorney's Office informed us on January 9, 2009, of its decision to decline prosecution of Schlozman.

This is something you probably won't hear from Sean Hannity.

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