Friday, January 23, 2009


I get annoyed when liberals say stupid things that the wingnuts can pounce on to attack them. The latest blunders came from Rev. Lowery and Robert Reich. At the inaugural, Lowery made this comment: us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right."

To me, this is clearly a dig at white people for past injustices and I don't understand why Lowery included that line. It's not that whites haven't been guilty, it's that it gives the wingnuts fuel to stoke up the resentment of "angry white males."

Back on January 8, Robert Reich made this statement on his blog and the wingnuts have used it to accuse the Democrats of being racists:
And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most -- women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed -- will be shut out.

I think Reich is correct but he's got to phrase this a bit differently so the wingnuts can't use his statement for propaganda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose the most qualified should get the jobs, period---but then I also suppose the folks you characterize aren't white ethnic chauvinists at all, else they wouldn't be cheering on wars in which their co-ethnics advance Ashkenazi ethnic interests at the expense of both white and black ethnics.