Friday, February 20, 2009


Some of the wingers are having second thoughts abour Saint Sarah. Yesterday, Slots Bennett criticized both Bristol and Sarah Palin for this interview. He was upset that Bristol said abstinence is "not realistic" and said that she should've married by now. He was also upset with Sarah for letting the interview take place because that destroys his argument that the children should be left outof politics.

Ann Coulter, another culture warrior, also criticzed Bristol when she appeared on the Larry King Show (2/19/2009)
BEHAR: And, also, what do you think about Bristol Palin?

She's a single mother.

COULTER: I think she should give the child up for adoption or marry the father. I mean I say in that -- I sell -- I think the people who should be revered aren't the baby mommas, they are the people who have shotgun marriages. Apparently a lot of those shotgun marriages worked out because they used to have them a lot and the divorce rate was lower.

BEHAR: So you would rather that Bristol -- Bristol Meyers, I was going to say.

(LAUGHTER) BEHAR: What's her name?

Bristol Palin marry the guy, even though maybe...

COULTER: Or give the child up for adoption.

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