Saturday, February 14, 2009


Now that the Federal government has imposed some sanity on executive pay at the firms we are propping up, the Free Market Fairy wingnuts are aghast. Riehl worries that"we are going to end up with the bottom of the barrel on the management side." I say: screw it, let's get some of the folks in the mail room and give them a shot.

Crazy War Whore Michael Ledeen echoes Pantload by asserting that we are headed toward Fascism and weasel Mark Levin read parts of Ledeen's piece on-air last week. Ledeen tries to be cute in this line: "Socialism rests on a firm theoretical bedrock: the abolition of private property. I haven’t heard anyone this side of Barney Frank calling for any such thing." In the REAL world, Barney Franks hasn't called for abolition or even hinted at it, so Mikey L. should just calm down.


AmPowerBlog said...

Actually, I think Ledeen's gone overboard on this one. So I'm with you ... it really is socialism. Man, some of those wingnuts just can't get their leftist extremism right.

Steve J. said...


I have some sympathy for them because it's difficult to get the strand of totalitarian and authoritarian thinking correct but Ledeen doesn't seem to have tried (and neither did Jonah Goldberg).