Friday, March 20, 2009


Some American soldiers came to believe that ALL Iraqi men were part of the insurgency and thus "fair game" and some Israeli soldiers apparently had similar feelings about Gazans.
Israeli soldiers say army rabbis framed Gaza as religious war
By Cliff Churgin | McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Friday, March 20, 2009

One soldier, identified only as "Aviv," said he was bothered by open fire orders given to his unit for an operation that was later canceled.

"We were supposed to go in with an armored vehicle called an Ahzarit, break into the door and start to shoot inside and simply go up floor by floor. . . . I call this murder . . . to go up floor by floor and every person that we see we were to shoot," he said. "Aviv" served as a squad leader with the Givati unit in the Gaza neighborhood of Zeitoun.

"At first I said to myself how is this logical? Higher authorities said this was permissible because everyone left in the area and in the city of Gaza is condemned, is a terrorist, because they didn't run away."

When the orders were changed, Aviv said that another soldier protested: "Everyone in there is a terrorist, that's known." His comrades joined in, "We need to kill every person found there; everyone in Gaza is a terrorist."

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