Sunday, March 22, 2009


Victor Davis Hanson, Cheney's favorite war whore historian, has a piece in Pajamas Media that attempts to diagnose the malaise he senses from his farm in California. VDH settles on five main causes, the first being that we are "about broke." He then makes the first of many wingnuts lies:
Today while President Obama railed against AIG bonuses (imagine damning the bonuses you signed into law to the execs from whom you took over $100,000 in campaign donations!)

Pres. Obama did not sign those bonuses into law and if Hanson doesn't know any better, he should just stick to farming and ancient Greek history. What makes this lie worse, the next cause VDH cites is:
2) Fides? We have almost destroyed the concept of trust: we don’t think there is any accuracy in AIG statements; don’t really believe GM will make it on its own, or that Goldman-Sachs is honestly run.

VDH himself is someone we can't trust.

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