Monday, March 23, 2009


Ingraham used a typical wingnut tactic - make a personal attack on an ideological opponent - and then tried to use her platform on FAUX News to deny that the attack was serious. WWI had the nerve to try this BS:
INGRAHAM: Did I call her fat?

MENIN: Well, you said she was plus size. There's no other -- there's no other way to get around it.

INGRAHAM: No, no, no, no, that's wrong. I was channeling Meghan McCain, because she has herself talked about her weight struggles. And I was targeting the reality shows that obsess on that.

NO, Laura, you said she was fat and that proves you are in the same category as the wingnuts who thought calling Michael Moore "fat" was an effective rebuttal and the same category as Mark "Foamer" Levin who has repeatedly referred to Hilary Clinton as "Her Thighness." No wonder people like David Frum, Daniel Larison and John Derbyshire think conservatism has to distance itself from people like Ingraham and Levin.

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