Thursday, April 09, 2009


If you combine this with the WaPo's call out of George Will and the NY Time's Kristof calling for pundit accountability, then perhaps we have the beginning of a marked improvement in out political and economic discourse.

US finance pundit Cramer a 'buffoon' says leading economist
Expert joins attack on TV guru savaged by Jon Stewart
Tipster has proclaimed the downturn is already 'over'

Andrew Clark in New York, Wednesday 8 April 2009 16.18 BST

Roubini, a New York University professor who famously forecast a dire world recession as far back as 2006, has taken exception to remarks on a blog by Cramer that he is "intoxicated" with his own "prescience and vision" and is refusing to see green shoots of recovery in the financial markets.

"Cramer is a buffoon," said Roubini. "He was one of those who called six times in a row for this bear market rally to be a bull market rally and he got it wrong."

Roubini, who believes the situation is so gloomy that leading US banks may need to be nationalised, was dismissive of Cramer: "After all this mess and Jon Stewart, he should just shut up because he has no shame."

Last week, Cramer told his viewers that the recent 20% rally in Wall Street markets was sufficient to judge that the downturn was past its worst: "Right now,right here, on this show – I am announcing the depression [is] over!"

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