Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Some time ago, I came to the conclusion that many of the people who seem to worship the military do so because being in the service was the high point of their lives. Here's a little anecdotal evidence from a commenter at Politico:
I loved the service..I would have stayed in longer but my leg got blowed off...If we had had the prosthetics we have today, perhaps they would have let me stay in...My service years were the highlight of my life. I liked college and all but I never had the same comaraderie I had then...teaching was fun, I taught for 21 years, but nothing comes close to the military...try it if you haven't, it'll turn your life around...


AmPowerBlog said...

These are your friends and allies, no?

We need a military, along with those highlighted in your post who love the fighting spirit and elan...

Steve J. said...

Was that supposed to be some sort of black humor?

AmPowerBlog said...

We need a military, but you make fun of it. There's no humoring the Taliban...