Saturday, April 25, 2009


I began to distrust Gen. Hayden when he was head of the NSA and unable to recall what the 4th Amendment stated. This happened when the criminal Bush regime was trying to reassure us that it was acting legally. Recently, Hayden and former AG Mukasey attempted to justify torture and others have come forward to cast serious doubt on their claims and especially on Hayden's claims.
FBI: Key Sept. 11 Leads Obtained Without Torture
by Dina Temple-Raston
All Things Considered, April 24, 2009

Former CIA director Michael Hayden said as much on Fox News last Sunday: "The critical information we got from Abu Zubaydah came after we began the EITs [enhanced interrogation techniques]."

Anchor Chris Wallace pressed him, "Not before?"

Hayden was emphatic. "No."

one of Zubaydah's FBI interrogators, Ali Soufan, remembers it differently. Soufan wrote in The New York Times that Zubaydah talked without being coerced.

Two high-ranking former FBI sources remember it that way, too. They say that intelligence breakthroughs came before Zubaydah was subjected to harsh techniques, not after. Another person close to the interrogation, Rohan Gunaratna, has similar recollections. He is an al-Qaida expert who has worked with U.S. government agencies on terrorism issues.

"Gen. Hayden is dead wrong" about harsh techniques getting information from Zubaydah, he says. "I have tremendous respect for Gen. Hayden, but he is wrong in this case."

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