Monday, April 06, 2009


A few weeks ago, war criminal Dick Cheney said Obama has made America less safe. Newt Gingrich echoed Cheney today on Politico and Michael Savage said Obama is a "national security threat." The vicious attacks aren't limited to those 3 freaks: Hannity thinks Obama has a "deep resentment" of America and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Bedlam) is worred about re-education camps and she's not the only one.

I think we're back to the bad old days when Bill and Hillary Clinton were relentlessly attacked by the radical right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let all extremist right wing fools scream and invent amateurish names for Obama and anyone else in the current, progressive administration.

Meanwhile, in record time, Obama et. al. are proving to be brilliantly accomplished in the multitude of enormous home and international tasks they've inherited.

Given more time and reasonable patience, Democratic leadership will continue to make this country and eventually, the world, a much better place than the selfish morons in the last administration who, with great deliberation, created the sad mess that we now work to overcome.