Friday, May 29, 2009


The Fundies occasionally get all upset about movies that deal with some aspect of religion and I've wondered why they because we all know that the movies are just fiction. A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to the Janet Parshall radio show and the topic was how harmful the recently released "Angels and Demons" was. The guest, who's name I can't recall, said that many people a lot of their information from movies, which implies that he thinks they are too dense to realize that it's just entertainment.

Using the Right's own jargon, I'd say this was a terribly "elitist" opinion but on further reflection, the guest was probably correct about the groups he was referring to. After all, they believe all sorts of nonsense like Limbaugh, FAUX News and Intelligent Design, so there is reason to think that they would be mislead by a movie.

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