Tuesday, May 19, 2009


UPDATE: Charles Johnson and the Lizardoids aren't too impressed by Fats.

Memeo linked to Fats Limbaugh's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits and once again displayed his profound ignorance of science, especially biology. Here, he's talking about the 47-million year old lemur fossil:
"The search for a direct connection between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years - but it was presented to the world today --" So I guess this is settled science. We now officially came from a monkey, 47 million years ago. Well, that's how it's being presented here. It's settled science. You know, this is all BS, as far as I'm concerned. Cross species evolution, I don't think anybody's ever proven that. They're going out of their way now to establish evolution as a mechanism for creation, which, of course, you can't do...

Cross-species evolution has been observed and evolution is NOT meant to be a mechanism for creation.

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