Saturday, May 16, 2009


Over the last week or so, the number of right-wing extremists posting on Politico has increased a great deal. I have no idea why but one poster suggested that Free Republic is now linking to Politico stories.
Perhaps so. Anyway, here's a couple of specimens of what's turning up.

From American Tax Payer on this page:

(1) Our Founding Fathers' knew as most people know, in order to build a Strong and Healthy Country, you need Strong and Healthy People in it.

(2) The best we can hope for is for the average White Man/Lady to see the Truth and hope they will join us.

If not, they must be left behind.

It is time to choose.

Good vs. Evil.

From Flashfolds on this page:
To you. to me he will be one of the reasons we pulled out of VN unresolved. His actions cost a lot of men their lives and he was unaccountable until James Earl Ray.

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