Thursday, May 14, 2009


The Dems aren't rolling over this time. Former Sen. Bob Graham told HuffPo that
As for the one briefing he did attend, the Florida Democrat said that he had "no recollection that issues such as waterboarding were discussed."

This supports Pelosi's claim that she wasn't told by the CIA that it was waterboarding.

Sen. Russ Feingold rebutted Cheney's claims about the classifieed CIA documents:
Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), a member of the Senate intelligence committee, said at a hearing yesterday that the documents cited by Cheney did not make a persuasive case.

"Nothing I have seen -- including the two documents to which former vice president Cheney has repeatedly referred -- indicates that the torture techniques authorized by the last administration were necessary, or that they were the best way to get information out of detainees," Feingold said.

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