Saturday, June 06, 2009


Well, that's according to Sarah Palin...
Palin on defensive as scrutiny rises
Spent $150,000 of RNC money for clothing
The Boston Globe

By Foon Rhee
Globe Staff / October 23, 2008

As her qualifications, her understanding of the vice presidency, and even her wardrobe came under renewed scrutiny yesterday, Sarah Palin told a high- profile conservative Christian leader that she isn't discouraged by the Republican ticket's sagging poll numbers because she and running mate John McCain have always been underdogs.

"I know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, the right thing for America will be done at the end of the day on Nov. 4," the GOP vice presidential nominee told James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family, in an interview posted yesterday on the group's website.

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