Monday, June 15, 2009


This afternoon, Hugh Hewitt had a number of discredited wingnut hacks on his show to discuss the situation in Iran.

The first one I heard was warmonger Michael Ledeen. Ledeen thought "Tweeter" has been a great way to get information from Iran. Hewitt corrected him about Twitter but Ledeen later admitted that he doesn't watch TV news, so we can be fairly confident that Ledeen is just another clueless bloviator.

The second person was Arch-neocon Bill "The Bloody" Kristol. Kristol has already disgraced himself on Iraq and is now pretending to be an expert on Iran:"The people in Iran were desperate for Obama to say something."

The third act of this clown show was Frank Gaffney, the man who called Pres. Obama our "first Muslim president."

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